
Showing posts from September, 2019

Whats is bunting

Assalamualaikum and good morning today i will share about bunting   Type of interpretive media        Printed and graphic interpretation includes leaflets, publications, trail guides, indoor and outdoor panels and exhibitions. 2. Bunting objectives based tourism expedition  We attract people to study tourism expedition An  exploration , journey, or voyage undertaken by a group of people especially for discovery and scientific research Tourism that combines physical activity, cultural exchange or interaction and an engagement with nature 3.Element in designing bunting effectiveness.  Background                  -i make are bunting simple and fun -i put the picture  accordingly bunting Picture - I have used some pictures to make the information are clear to people. - Pictures are one of 3 second attraction. It means that when peopl...

Video Eid Adha

On 11&12 August, we celebrate Eid Adha. First day eid adha i went to go mosque for pray eid adha and see the qurban.


Hi and assalamualaikum last week i and my classmate performance for "Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-63" and we champion for tonight. We sing Warisan sudirman  

Interpretive talk and Presentation techniques

Interpretive Talk   Presentation Techniques   


Describe what is interpretation talk Interpretaion talk is opportunity to connect both emotionally and intellectually to resourse meanings deepens visitors experiences and helps lead to resource preservation 2.Explain the examples of interpretive talk and presentation Appropriate for the audience,and provide a clear focus for their connection with the resource by demonstraing the cohesive deveopment of a relavant idea or ideas Appropriate for the audience,and provides a clear focus for their connection with the resource 3.Example of interpretive presentation tools Powerpoint Canva Haiku Deck 4.How to apply interpretive presentation tools for different audience and resources. PowerPoint Online provides you all the basic features like images, transitions, animations, etc. and various templates to create a presentation. You can download the presentation as a PDF file for offline viewing, and also share with people or embed in your blog or website.  Canva...

Interpretation media

Assalamualaikum and hai everyone today i will shared about type of interpretation media The type of interpreation media that i choose is printed and graphic interpretation. Brouchure Penang hill Function Brochure To let people know about attractions inside To inform about history of Penang hill To let people know how to get to Penang Hill Strenghts and weakness of Penang Hill Prinnted and graphic interpretation The Recommendation On The Weakness   a) Hard to understand - Make a flyers so that the information of the caricatures are shared to everyone b) Vandalisme - An authority make a summon to those who are trying to destroy the caricature c) Maintenance cost - Make this caricature maintenance cost as the responsibility of authority